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Healthy options for breakfast

Healthy options for breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and starting the day with a full, nutritious meal allows you to continue making better choices throughout the day.
It is one of the best foods we can eat for a number of reasons.  As a 100% whole grain, it's packed with fiber, plant protein, B vitamins, and minerals, including iron, calcium, and magnesium.  They've been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease thanks to a type of fiber called beta-glucan that has been shown to improve cholesterol levels.  This fiber also feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut

Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, and B12, an inexpensive and nutrient-dense ingredient.  Two eggs contain more than 50% of the choline you need daily, which affects memory, mood, and muscle control.  Just one egg contains about 8 grams of protein as well.  Almost everything in our bodies requires protein, such as our skin, blood, and bones.  Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, keeping you fuller for longer.
Sesame, chia, sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds are great for you.  Add it to cereal, smoothies, and even baked goods.  Just 28 grams of seeds can contain 10 grams of protein!  The zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium in the seeds will help you stay healthy and boost immunity.  The seeds also contain soluble fiber that can help lower “bad” cholesterol while increasing “good” cholesterol.  The combination of protein and fiber is really optimal when it comes to preventing blood sugar spikes.
Unsweetened Greek yogurt
Plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt provides probiotic benefits.  It's also a great option if you're aiming for low-sugar breakfasts but still love the sweet flavor in the morning - just add fruit!  Greek yogurt is full of calcium and many types are fortified with vitamin D.  It is also characterized by its high protein content.  To make sure your yogurt contains probiotics, look for the phrase "live and active cultures" on the label.  Try adding berries or chopped fruit to Greek yogurt to boost your meal's vitamin, mineral and fiber content.
Coffee is a great drink to start your day.  They are high in caffeine, which has been shown to improve mood, alertness, and mental performance.  Caffeine has also been shown to increase metabolic rate and fat burning.  In one study, 100 mg of caffeine per day helped people burn an additional 79-150 calories over a 24-hour period. Additionally, coffee is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation, protect cells lining blood vessels, and lower the risk of diabetes and liver disease.
Berries are delicious, full of antioxidants, and have less sugar than most fruits, but they're high in fiber.  In fact, it provides 8 grams of fiber per cup or 120 grams.  Furthermore, one cup of berries contains only 50-85 calories depending on the type.  Berries also contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which protect your heart and may help you age better. Berries have been shown to reduce inflammatory markers, prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood, and keep the cells lining blood vessels healthy.
Green tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on earth.  Contains caffeine that improves alertness and mood, along with boosting your metabolic rate. Green tea provides only 35-70 mg of caffeine per cup, which is about half the amount found in coffee. It also contains antioxidants, which may protect your brain and system.  Nervousness and heart damage

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