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Detox regimens are more popular than ever.

These diets claim to clean your blood and remove harmful toxins from your body.

However, it's not entirely clear how it does this, nor what specific compounds it is supposed to get rid of, nor whether they are even effective.

What is a detox?

It is generally a short-term nutritional intervention designed to eliminate toxins from your body.

Promoters of detoxification claim that:

Relax members
Stimulates the liver to detoxify
Promotes elimination of toxins through feces, urine and sweat
Improves blood circulation
Provides your body with healthy nutrients

They claim that it also helps with many health issues, including obesity, digestive issues, autoimmune diseases, infections, allergies, bloating and chronic fatigue.

However, there is no scientific research that proves the effectiveness of a detox regimen, and a few of the studies that do exist are grossly flawed.

The most important methods of detox

* Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, water and tea
* Drink only certain fluids, such as salted water or lemon juice
* Avoid foods rich in heavy metals and pollutants
* Take supplements or herbs
Use of laxatives, colon cleansers, or enemas
* Exercising regularly

What toxins are eliminated?

Detox regimens rarely specify the toxins they aim to remove, and the mechanisms by which they work are also unclear.

In fact, there is no evidence that these systems remove any toxins from the body

Your body is able to cleanse itself through liver, faeces, urine, and sweat. The liver makes toxic substances harmless

How effective is detox?

Some people report feeling more focused and energetic during and after a detox diet

However, this may simply be due to eliminating processed foods and other unhealthy items from your diet

You may also get vitamins and minerals that were previously deficient

Many types of detox diets may have effects similar to those of short-term or intermittent fasting.

Short-term fasting may improve various signs of disease in some people, including improving leptin and insulin sensitivity


A deficiency in energy, vitamins, and minerals may occur if the focus is on specific foods.

Furthermore, colon cleansing methods, which are sometimes recommended during detoxification, can cause dehydration, cramping, bloating, nausea and vomiting.

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